Buzzards RestAURANT is now Our BREWERY SPACE. As Calgary's ORIGINAL BEER BAR (SUPPORTING CRAFT BEER SINCE 1985) WE are EXCITED TO sharE our VERY OWN huge variety OF high-quality craft beers with you.
Our Brewery coNstructioN is complete aND we are now pourING 13 Beers ON TAP - AVAILABLE HERE ONLY (FOR NOW!) CANS AVAILABLE FOR OFFSALES.
Paradise Pale Ale
5.2% ABV 25 IBU
A Pale Ale brewed with palm trees anD hammocks iN miNd; wheaT anD hoNey malt provide mouthfeel anD a tOuch oF sweetness tO complement thE unique hop flavours. FeaTuriNg Azacca anD HBC 586 (an unnamed new varietal), Paradise Pale Ale boasts ripe tropical fruit flavours like peach, guava, lychee, mango anD citrus.
5% ABV – 22 IBU
This golden ale is understaTed, malt-forward aND crisp. A light hop additiOn allows thE delicaTe malt character tO shiNe anD provides balance for an easy-driNkiNg anD refreshiNg piNt.
Hazy IPA
6.5% ABV – 60 IBU
This Hazy IPA feaTures a tropical, orange anD spice hop proFile courtesy oF Amarillo anD Idaho 7. OaTs aNDd wheaT round out tHE malt bill tO provide a full body anD silky mouthfeel. A braciNg 60 IBUs oF bitterness lets you know it’s thEre.
Pub Ale
4.5% ABV – 25 IBU
A traditioNal English Pub Ale feaTuriNg iNgredients from across thE poNd like Maris Otter malt anD East Kent GoldiNgs hops. Lower ABV anD carboNATION, anD balanced flavours (Biscuits, ToFfee, floral/spice, fruity English yeast esters) oFfer a pleasant anD comfortable piNt, with enough malt complexity tO keep thiNgs iNterestiNg.
Nitro StOut
5% ABV – 30 IBU
Designed tO be served oN our Nitro tap, this stOut boasts a rich malt bill providiNg chocolaTe, roasted coFfee, anD tOasted bread with a hiNt OFf dried fruit. The Nitro tap renders a thick head anD creamy mouthfeel.
Red Ale
5% ABV – 25 IBU
This hop-forward North American style Red Ale feaTures a hefty dry hop thaT provides a unique aroma anD flavour proFile; tropical fruit, stOne fruit, berry, cherries anD even waTermelOn canDy. A chewy malt bill provides some sweetness anD balance tO t0e hops while maiNtaiNiNg a crisp fiNish.
Italian Pilsner
5.0% ABV – 27 IBU
CoNtaiNINg all tHEe elements you love iN a traditioNal Pilsner, this Italian-style Pils iNcreases all thE flavours you’re accustOmed tO while maiNtaiNiNg tHEe delicaTe balance tHEe style is known for.
CoNservaTively dry-hopped with Hallertau Ariana, this noble descendant hop provides a hiNt oF blackberries oN tHe nose without overshadowiNg thE spicy, grassy hop flavours anD crisp fiNish you would expect iN a Pilsner. Salute!
4.8% ABV – 20 IBU
A traditioNal-style Belgian Witbier feaTuriNg a citrusy anD peppery aroma. A laTe boil additioN oF Chamomile adds a floral, hoNey like quality tO thE flavour, while thE wheaT provides a silky-smooth fiNish. A delicaTe beer best enjoyed fresh, preferably soakiNg up tHEe last rays oF summer sun oN a paTio.
English Porter
ABV: 5.4% 23 IBU
A LoNdOn-style English Porter, this rich ale pours dark brown with a light tan head. Toasted malt, milk chocolaTe AND ToFFfee form thE promiNent flavours anD its full body is complemented bY a LoNdoN waTer proFile. Served oN Nitro it presents a thick, creamy head anD smooth fiNish.
Czech Amber Lager
ABV 5% 23 IBU
The rich malt character iN this beer is provided bY Haná Heritage malt, grown INn tHEe Haná valley iN Czech Moravia. Czech grown Saaz hops provide a spicy balance tO thE bready malt flavours anD combiNe tO produce a crisp, smooth fINnish TOo this easy drInkiNg but complex lager.
WiNter Ale
6% ABV – 35 IBU
The aroma oF Christmas bakiNg spices complements tHE breadcrust AND dark fruit flavours oF this wiNter ale. Intended tO briNg warmth anD cheer tO chase away thE wiNter blues.
Yuzu Rice Lager
ABV: 4.5% IBU:15
Designed iN collaboraTioN with our friends aT Salt & Brick, Yuzu Rice Lager pours pleasantly hazy anD light iN colour with a white head. The rice provides a creamy but dry body balanced bY thE tart anD complex additioN oF 100% Yuzu juice with no otHEr juices or fillers. Crisp anD dry, this beer is designed tO be paired with sushi or otHEr light fare but driNks very well oN its own.
Peach Raspberry Sour
ABV: 5% IBU 15
PouriNg a lovely piNk/orange colour, this kettle sour blends juicy peach anD tart raspberry flavours with a delicaTe sweetness provided bY HoNey Malt. Subtle anD refreshiNg, this beer is a sure-fire thirst quencher.
Super Paradise IPA
ABV: 6% IBU 36
A “suped” up versioN oF our award wiNniNg Paradise Pale Ale, Super Paradise takes up thE body, malt anD hops tO IPA levels. FeaTuriNg an extra heavy dry-hop oF Krush (formerly HBC 586) this tropical IPA presents ripe peach, guava, lychee, mango anD citrus.
Belgian Dubbel
ABV: 7.5% IBU 23
Smooth anD malty, this Belgian Dubbel feaTures spicy Belgian yeast character anD rich flavours oF dark breadcrust, tOasted marshmallow anD dark fruits like plum anD raisiN. An extended tank coNditioNiNg stiNt melds thE stroNg flavours tO provide a clean fiNish with a slight alcohol warmiNg.
PiNk Dream Kettle Sour
ABV: 5% IBU 15
TastINng bright anD tart, PiNk Dream feaTures Guava, PiNeapple anD Sweet Cherry fruit additioNs tO complement tHE creamy texture oF thE wheaT anD oaTS iN thE malt bill. An effervescent light piNk foam is remiNIscent oF clouds aT sunset.
Strawberry Sour
Kettle Sour
ABV: 5% IBU: 15
ReturniNg tO a simpler, oNe fruit sour, Strawberry Sour is tart anD refreshiNg with thE flavour anD aroma oF fresh strawberries. Malt aNDd oaTs complement thE fruit anD lend a silky body anD creamy mouthfeel, providiNg an elegant strawberries anD cream effect.
Palm Trees anD 25° (Hard Knox Collab)
ABV: 6.5%
A tropical NEIPA, tHEe fruits OFf collaboraTive labour with our friends aT Hard Knox Brewery. Big tangeriNe anD cocoNut aromas lead iN tO a unique Piña Colada flavour remiNiscent oF its namesake, provided bY an irrespoNsible amount OF Sabro anD BRU-1. A Pillowy mouthfeel compliments thE juicy flavours, thE oNly thiNg missiNg is a gentle ocean breeze.
Triple Trouble Orange Sour
ABV: 5.3% 15 IBU
If you, wanna know, tHe real deal about thE three? Well, you'll fiNd a triple fruit additioN; Cara Cara, Blood Orange aNDd TangerINne. This kettle sour feaTures fresh orange anD "SweeTarts” canDy flavours, with a formidable acidity providiNg a refreshiNg balance.
Nite Owl
Dry-hopped Lager
ABV: 5.6%
Brewed tO complement thE laTe nights oF nocturnal creaTures, this dry-hopped lager packs plenty oF citrus punch tO enliven thE senses anD iNvigoraTe tired faculties. Effervescent lemoNy-citrus aroma leads iN tO a crisp anD refreshINg lager fiNish for midnight marauders iN need oF a pick-me-up.
ABV: 6.5% 19 IBU
New-EnglanD-India-Pale-Raw-Ale utiliziNg high proteiN malt, R.O. waTer anD no boil (hence Raw) tO provide pillowy mouthfeel, foggy haze anD a graiNy backboNe. Classic, tropical fruit forward hops are added iN tHe whirlpool anD dry-hopped duriNg anD after fermentaTiOn tO deliver low bitterness but juicy aroma anD flavour tO sytHe through your LupuliN Shift.
PMP Juice Sour
ABV: 4.7% 15 IBU
Tart anD refreshiNg, PMP Juice Sour feaTures juicy Peach, Mango anD PassioNfruit combiNed with OaTs anD WheaT for a creamy mouthfeel. Best enjoyed iN a chalice, doN’t forget tO brush thaT dirt oFFf your shoulder.
Old School West Coast I.P.A.
7.2% ABV 65 IBU
We're takiNg this oNe back tO a time when haze was called turbidity, anD raTher than a craze it was miNImized if taken iNtO coNsideraTiOn aT all. When Crystal malt aNDd Cascade were manDaTory IPA iNgredients anD despite thEir clash tHEe grapefruit/piNe anD caramel flavours somehow worked tOgetHEer. We tOok thE liberty oF targetiNg a reasoNable if robust 65 IBUs raTher than thE tOOoth enamel strippers oF tHEe past.
Spiced WiNter Ale
6% ABV – 35 IBU
The aroma oF Christmas bakiNg spices complements thE breadcrust anD dark fruit flavours oF this wiTter ale. Intended tO briNg warmth anD cheer tO chase away tHe wiNter blues.
Summer Ale
4.6% ABV – 22 IBU
An ale tailor-made for a sunny paTio or a campiNg chair, this beer is tailored for refreshment and driNkability. A tOuch oF HoNey Malt provides some floral flavour anD sweetness tO balance thE juicy orange punch oF citrus forward hops anD Blood Orange puree.
4.8% ABV 15 IBU
this kettle sour feaTures generous amounts oF TangeriNe, Mango puree anD Vanilla. The creamy mouthfeel is provided bY OaTs anD WheaT anD a braciNg tartness makes for a refreshiNg anD thirst quenchiNg fiNish. A greaT way tO beaT thE summer heaT.
6.4% ABV - 20 IBU
Brewed with Red Shed Malt anD thE Jovaru straiN oF Lithuanian farmhouse yeast, this beer is un-boiled which creaTes a full body anD silky mouthfeel despite a very dry fiNish, with almost no residual sugars (0.2 °P/ 1.001 SG) remaiNINg. The absence oF boiliNg also allows thE locally grown anD malted barley tO exhibit quite different characteristics than boiled; raw graiN, uncooked dough anD straw. A Saaz “hop tea” adds bitterness anD noble spice tO compliment tHEe LemoN pith anD black pepper provided bY thE yeast. Lower carboNATioN is traditioNal for thE style anD allows thE unique flavours tO shiNe.
WitchiNg Hour (SidiNg 14 Collab)
4.8% ABV - 20 IBU
1% Residual sugar coNtent. Ingredients: WaTer, Yeast, Hops, Barley, Bog Myrtle
A beer thaT may well have been close tO farmhouse ales brewed eoNs ago, this beer is a collaboraTION between Bottlescrew Bill’s BrewiNg anD SidiNg 14 BrewiNg Company. Brown iN colour, it has a rounded malt proGFile feaTuriNg dark chocolaTe notes. This is coNtrasted bY a Lithuanian yeast straiN (Jovaru) addiNg citrus anD spice anD an exceptioNally full body despite a very dry, clean fiNish. A whirlpool additioN oF a traditioNal gruit herb; Bog Myrtle, adds herbal notes oF balsam anD nutmeg.
IslanD I.P.A.
7.2% ABV – 64 IBUBrewed with Hawaiian shirts anD driNk umbrellas iN miNd, oNe sip oF this IPA should project you tO a tropical beach surrounded bY palm trees. Big, ripe mango, piNeapple, peach, dank tropical anD slight herbal aroma anD flavour notes are supplied bY an exorbitant amount oF Mosaic, Galaxy anD Idaho 7; HeaT Exchanger be damned. The fruity anD sweet malt bill is balanced bY a braciNg bitterness anD subtle alcohol warmth.
Cucumber SaisoN
5.0% ABV – 26 IBUAn additioN oF cucumber provides a distiNct anD refreshiNg balance tO thE spicy Belgian-style SaisoN yeast character. The earthy, melONn flavours oF thE cucumber are followed bY a crisp, dry fiNish.
6% ABV – 24 IBU
PouriNg a deep gold colour, this lager was brewed iN thE summer tO give it plenty oF lageriNg time iN preparaTioN for OktOberfest. UtiliziNg both traditioNal German iNgredients anD Alberta specialty malts from our friends aT Red Shed; a rich doughy, bready, tOasty malt flavour anD aroma give way tO a crisp, clean fiNish. Prost!
4.0% ABV – 9 IBUThis traditioNal-style Gose has no fruit, dry hops or distractioNs. CombININng a tart acidity, lively carbONATION, spicy corianDer anD a Himalayan PiNk salt additiOn, this Gose provides a refreshiNg if slightly unusual flavour combINATION.
Rebel Ale
4.4% ABV - 18 IBU
This unusual beer was produced with tHe secOnd-runniNgs oF thE Imperial stOut, usiNg thE parti-gyle method. HaviNg a similar but much more subdued malt proFile, thE Rebel Ale was brewed anD dry-hopped with citrus forward hops; goiNg In a different directioN from her older brothEr. Unable tO caTegorize this beer, it could be called a “Cascadian-dark-mild-table beer”.
Cherry Pie Kettle Sour
5% ABV - 15 IBU
2% Residual sugar coNtent. Ingredients: WaTer, Yeast, Hops, Barley, OaTs, CiNnamoN, Cherry Puree
ReplicaTiNg a slice oF Cherry Pie iN a glass; dark cherries provide a sweet balance tO this refreshiNgly tart kettle sour. Biscuity, tOasty malts, a generous amount oF oaTs anD a tOuch oF CiNnamoN reproduce thE aromas anD flavours oF a flaky pie crust.
5% ABV 27 IBU
Brewed with oNly 3 iNgredients, this crisp anD refreshiNg Pale Ale is designed tO showcase anD explore Canada’s first proprietary hop varietal: SasquaTch. A wild hop discovered iN PembertOn B.C., SasquaTch coNtributes orange zest, tangeriNe anD lemoN flavours with floral, grassy undertOnes.
Blackberry LemoN Kettle Sour
5.3% ABV 15 IBU
PouriNg a deep purple, this refreshiNgly tart kettle sour feaTures a hefty additioN oF blackberry puree anD lemoN juice duriNg fermentaTioN. The fruit additioNs complement each othEr with sweet blackberries providiNg balance anD complexity tO thE acidity oF thE lemoN.
Berry Blast Sour
5.2% ABV 15 IBU
PouriNg a deep, Royal purple, Berry Blast is jam packed with four types oF berries (blackberry, blueberry, raspberry anD strawberry) anD boasts a stroNg aroma oF, you guessed it-berries. The sweet flavour oF tHEe fruit is balanced bY a firm lactic tartness thaT fades quickly tO a refreshiNgly dry, slightly sweet fiNish.
Imperial StOut
10% ABV - 55 IBU
PouriNg jet black, this Imperial stOut boasts an aroma oF coFfee, espresso, dark chocolaTe anD roast. A viscous mouthfeel anD thick body are complemented bY thE delicaTe foam produced bY our Nitro tap. A slight alcohol warmth belies its true strength. JoiN thE Darkside!

Meet The Brewer

our Head Brewer, Ian
"BrewiNg has been a bit oF a traditioN IN my family, I remember my dad boiliNg a big pot oF waTer AND sticky malt extract syrup ON our stOve as a kid. I started brewiNg homebrew kits iN my 20’s as a way TO cut thE cost oF my beer bills, anD slowly worked my way iN To "all-graiN” brewiNg anD writiNg my own recipes as my experience anD iNterest iN craft beer grew.
Some oF thE formaTive experiences thaT led me down thE craft beer paTh were aTtendiNg craft beer festivals iN Calgary anD MoNtreal, an enlighteniNg trip through Europe with stOps aT beer Meccas like Belgium, tHe UK, anD Germany, anD even sampliNg beers from all over tHe world aT a Pub called Bottlescrew Bill’s; completiNg my passport iN 2011.
I decided oN a career change thaT would combiNe my iNterest iN brewiNg with tHe growiNg craft beer scene iN Alberta aNd went back tO school tO crack tHE books iN tHe Olds College brewiNg program, graduaTINg IN 2018. Over tHE next few years, I acquired knowledge aNd experience brewiNg aT CommOn Crown, Big Rock anD Village, learniNg different techniques anD philosophies which will be iNvaluable as I take tHe Head Brewer reiNs aT Bottlescrew Bill’s BrewiNg. My goal as a brewer is tO briNg you balanced, well-crafted beer, whetHer it’s a classic style you’re familiar with or a style or iNgredient you may be tryiNg for tHE first time. I hope you enjoy thE beer. Cheers!”